Monday, January 30, 2012

It’s just as important as brushing your teeth every day

Hi Everyone! 

I thought today I would speak to you about a topic I hold near and dear to my heart:  the need to stretch.  Stretching (and foam rolling) has become a major element of my triathlon training right now.  As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I am plagued with ITBS or (Iliotibial band syndrome).  I have found regular stretching and foam rolling to be critical for keeping my ITBS in check. 

In simplest terms, it hurts like hell when it flares up and more importantly, sidelines you from as little as 1 week to several months depending on how bad it is.    In my situation, I got it bad 2 years ago and could not run for over a year.  It wasn’t until I went to a new doctor and subsequent physical therapy, that I took control over my ITBS issue. 

So why do I bring this up now?  Well, several of my coworkers ran a ½ marathon over the weekend and at least 2 now have displayed symptoms of ITBS. 

Here’s my home remedy for ITBS:
  1. get checked by a real doctor to verify it is ITBS and nothing more serious,
  2. buy a foam roller
  3. make stretching a regular activity and don’t skimp on it either.
Five nights a week, I spend 20 GOOD minutes on the floor (after walking for a few minutes to get loose), stretching my legs in every sort of way.  I make sure I hit every major muscle group in my legs – obviously hitting the hips, glutes and thighs for the IT Band.  Then it’s onto my foam roller and my grid for my deep tissue massage.   It’s now become part of my pre-bedtime ritual:  wash my face, brush my teeth, stretch, foam roll.

Do I always feel like doing it?  No!  But it only takes the memory of not being able to run (let alone anything else) for several days (weeks, months), to get my butt on the floor and stretch.   Come on, it’s easy and you can do it while watching TV.  I get the added bonus some nights of getting kisses from my pugs while I’m stretching.   If I could only teach them to put their front paws on my back and press down with gentle pressure – yeah right!

How about everyone out there?  Any big stretchers?  Any great stretches to share?

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